Web Develop­ment

Latest Projects

All works

How it Works

Before we start

Kick-off call  We discuss your project, goals and get to know each other

Contract and payment  We send you the contract and invoice for the first sprint. Our official company is based in Serbia

Design brief  We send you a set of questions to help us understand your product, target audience, competitors, values, mission, and goals

Week 1

Day 1–2

Development of a desktop version  

Days 3–4

Adaptive versions, animations  + basic SEO and testing

Day 5

Handover  We transfer the completed website to the client's account

What Feely Offers


Webflow development

Basic SEO

Setting up Google Analytics

+ more deliverables on request

3 deliverables


from 2 weeks


What is included in a basic SEO?

It includes setting up the pages meta title, description, open graph image, favicon, and optimizing images.

What if we need to extend our website in the future?

We have a design support. Please read more here.

How we will discuss the progress?

You will work directly with the Creative Director. We discuss the project in our weekly Zoom meetings, and address additional questions via email or in the Slack chat.