

What's Wrong with the Branding of Tech Companies

What's Wrong with the Branding of Tech Companies

3 minutes Branding · Tech Companies


We work with tech startups and observe how the websites of these companies have become repetitive, blending into a unified mass. In reality, these companies are often distant from their audience, and people sometimes find it challenging to distinguish one product or service from another.

Gradients, Helvetica-like fonts, same-looking blocks with product screenshots — businesses are literally speaking the same language with these elements. Each brand considers itself and its products truly unique, but in the audience's perception, they all merge into an indistinct mass. 

Why did tech startups appear similar, and what can be done about it?

Well, one reason is the abundance of templates, Content Management Systems (CMS), and blogging platforms available, which makes it easy for anyone to create a decent-looking website with a good user experience. Second, designers and businesses tend to pick up on what works and create websites that follow common trends that people know and love. This results in websites that are not individually crafted but generated on the fly, leading to a lack of originality and imagination.

Sure, there are economic reasons, limited budgets, and time constraints; we don't want to blame designers. But it's essential not to forget one of the fundamental principles of design, which is a deep and meaningful connection between form and content.

Some more reasons why many tech startups appear similar:

— Expanding the user base and striving to appeal to a larger audience
— Standardizing communications and branding to reduce risks
— Limited budget and time for launch
— Copying others' solutions that seem to work.

How to tackle this challenge and create memorable branding?

The logo, colors, fonts, and website — all of these are the visible tip of the iceberg. To find your unique identity that resonates with the audience and sets you apart from competitors, you need to look deeper.

Brand pyramid for building strategic branding

To understand the lower part of the iceberg, you can refer to the brand pyramid. A brand pyramid, also known as a brand hierarchy or brand architecture, is a strategic model that helps organize and depict the various elements and components of a brand. It typically represents the relationships between different brand elements, from the core essence or purpose to specific attributes and benefits. The brand pyramid is structured in layers, with each layer contributing to the overall perception and identity of the brand.

The common layers in a brand pyramid include:

— Brand Essence or Core Identity: The fundamental, timeless spirit or purpose of the brand.
— Brand Values: The core principles and beliefs that guide the brand's actions and decisions.
— Brand Personality: The human characteristics and traits attributed to the brand.
— Brand Attributes: Specific features or characteristics that describe the brand.
— Benefits: The functional and emotional advantages that customers gain from the brand.
— Brand Voice: The tone and style of communication used by the brand.
— Brand Identity: Visual elements such as logo, color palette, and design that represent the brand.

The brand pyramid offers a structured approach to developing and maintaining a consistent and cohesive brand image. It assists tech startups in establishing an emotional connection with their audience and cultivating a distinctive brand identity that truly sets them apart from competitors.

In conclusion: steps to find that uniqueness in the world of brands and services that consider themselves unique.

Technological companies that invest significant resources, capital, and human capital in marketing are actually hitting a wall of misunderstanding with their audience. People can no longer distinguish products or brands at first glance. Loyalty is decreasing, and companies have to increase marketing investments to retain even those who initially have a positive attitude towards the brand.

For this, the brand needs to take three steps:

Step one — understand its audience. Instead of seeing them as "consumers," see them as individuals with their values, pains, problems, and needs. Then, the brand needs to consider how the product can help satisfy these needs.

Step two — using the brand pyramid or any other framework, create a unique combination of meanings. Identify a deep insight on which the brand's unique identity, its platform, and all subsequent communication will be built.

Step three — develop an identity based on the developed brand platform that will set the brand apart in the category and make it truly distinctive.
